Your Body's Intelligence
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I want to highlight a key theme in my free offering The Abundance Portal...
Your body's intelligence.
The vast majority of people are so in their heads.
Lots of spiritual seekers and starseeds fall into this too. They focus on the third eye and crown chakra, thinking that “higher” is better. But without a solid foundation, this can leave you ungrounded and confused.
I've seen this happen time and time again.
When you learn how to tune into your body, your spiritual senses blossom from a grounded, clear space. And this can be accelerated with vibrational medicine!
Here are some symptoms of not being grounded in your body:
- Feeling confused
- Distracted
- Escapism
- Unsure
- Lack of trust
- Exhausted
- Pain
- Over-thinking and worry
You can transmute all of those by being present and grounded in your body.
Listening to your body and paying attention to its responses will help you exercise your muscle of discernment and cultivate deeper levels of trust with yourself and the process of life.
Our bodies are the most advanced organic technology. When you can truly feel into it, you perceive reality in an enhanced, clear way.
There are so many ways to deepen your relationship with your body. Vibrational medicine practices are phenomenal for this: breathwork, body work, vocal toning, sound healing, essential oils, meditation, yoga, dance, visualization, tapping, etc.
I want to share one of these practices with you here.
Here's a simple, beautiful practice to get more into your body by using your voice.
We did this in Day 1 of The Abundance Portal, and it's worth sharing here too.
Tone “Oh" with your voice for as long as you can.
Take deep inhales and tone “oh” on the exhale.
Go as deep as you can with the tone of your voice. Feel the vibration of it in your whole body.
When you feel your solar plexus and lower body vibrating, that's when you know you're fully tapping into it.
Do a few of these long “oh” tones, feeling the vibrations in your body, until you feel a shift has occurred.
This is a simple way to ground more into your body. You will feel an energetic grounding effect with the deep “oh” tone. I call this your “base frequency.”
We go much deeper into everything (and practice together!) in The Abundance Portal.
When you ground into your body, and feel safe in your body, you naturally unlock more holistic abundance in your life.
Learn more about The Abundance Portal, and register through the button below.
The Abundance Portal
The Abundance Portal is a free offering, based on a workshop I did!
It's a series of 5 activations to help you:
- Transcend beliefs rooted in lack
- Receive higher perspectives
- Gain clarity on your next steps and who you're becoming
Everything you need to start manifesting holistic abundance in your life.
Register here: The Abundance Portal