The Frequency Shift

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There’s a lot happening right now, energetically and physically. Many emotions are coming up.
Anger, rage, sadness, disappointment and feeling lost are common themes right now.
Why? We’re collectively healing our root and sacral chakras.
You have jumped up a frequency notch. And with frequency jumps, there’s debris leftover. That’s what you’re processing.
That’s why it may feel like the opposite of progress. Old wounds, anger, shame, guilt and other emotions are moving through you. I assure you, you have just upgraded.
All of humanity is shifting. We have undergone some intense solar activities and the Earth’s magnetic fields are changing.
You will have to learn how to take full responsibility of your personal vibration to thrive with these energetic influxes of light.
Being prepared and innerstanding what is happening on a cellular level is one of the biggest ways to reclaim your power.
Every single one of you are emitting a personal vibration.
This is a conglomeration of your emotions, thoughts, food you eat, environment you live in, information you consume and who you surround yourself with.
This all contributes to the frequencies you are broadcasting.
You see, you are meant to be a generator of light and higher realm frequencies.
You’re meant to be a lighthouse that radiates peace, love, compassion, patience, generosity and abundance.
You become a lighthouse by leading with your soul, not your ego.
Your soul lights up your human vessel. It’s an animating force. The more you tune into your soul, and build this connection, the more life force flows through your body. If you neglect your soul connection, you become robotic and limited in your ability to generate energy and your creative potential.
When you allow your soul to take charge of your life, you’re a supercharged lighthouse. When you deny yourself this, you experience more pain and suffering.
Unfortunately, our hardware (which is our body’s nervous system) can get hijacked from experiences and electromagnetic frequencies that are designed to shut down your innate power.
This is a bold truth!
You have been programmed with food, tv, man made electromagnetic currents and frequencies to distort your perceptions and human potential.
There’s no need to obsess over this, or become fearful, but I want to let you in on this if you’re not already aware.
We have chemical spills happening in our environment. There's also control happening on a cellular level that we aren’t conscious of. I say that because it is so tricky and almost undetectable how and when it is happening.
Practice mastering your energy so you can discern and maintain a high vibration through these times of upheaval.
So why am I sharing this?
I want to empower you to take your power back and become a conscious creator of your reality.
To say what comes and goes. To hold solid boundaries. To take back your energy and shift your narratives around lack.
If we stay in victim mode, we experience more poverty, hardships, health crises, suicides, deaths, etc.
When we learn how to play our bodies like divine instruments, we terminate these programs and hold COMPLETE Sovereignty.
How do we do this?
First is the power of your voice.
This includes speaking up for yourself, sharing how you feel with others and not caring how you’re going to be perceived.
The key to freedom is through the power of our voice.
Your vocal tone is unique. There is no one else with the frequency of your voice. It can not be duplicated. It is God's greatest gift of expression
You have the power to heal your body and shift your reality with this voice.
Daily chanting, singing and vocal toning are ways to consciously work with your cells and nervous system.
I am honored to be offering upcoming programs — using these kinds of modalities — to teach you how to create your reality and live your most authentic life.
If we want to create a new world, we have to learn how to heal ourselves and activate the codes we incarnated with. These codes are the keys to our life's purpose.
Who is ready to stop living a lie and dive into the depths of their true beingness?
We only have a short time here on this planet. If you’re a change-maker, power up and learn how to operate this super-suit. Your human vessel is ready to work for you.
Power up, lovelies. We are in for a ride!
Frustration, anger and rage are coming up big time in the collective right now.
If you focus on transmuting these, you allow the frequency shift to be embodied on a greater level. You will also clear massive blocks for yourself.
We can use the power of our voice and movement to transmute these “angry” emotions, some of which are ancestral patterns that you inherited since birth.
Here’s what to do:
First, scan your body. Sense and feel any frustration, anger or rage stored in your body.
When you feel something come up, allow yourself to do one (or more) of the following:
- Scream
- Tone (you can tone into the places in your body you feel it)
- Dance wildly
- Slam a pillow
- Punch a punching bag
With using your voice (screaming or toning), don’t be afraid to use deep, guttural tones. These deep tones help clear out dense energy, especially in your lower chakras.
Also, you can use your breath (powerful exhales) to help release and transmute the energy.
Don’t bottle it up. Don’t let it settle. Give the anger a safe space to express in a healthy way.
Even if you don’t feel frustration, anger or rage right now, I invite you to at least tone. That deep, guttural vocal toning will harmonize your energy and help you either way.
2 Ways I Can Help You
If you want to thrive through these frequency shifts, here are two offers for you:
1: The Abundance Portal
The Abundance Portal is a free offering, based on a workshop I did!
It's a series of 5 activations to help you:
- Transcend beliefs rooted in lack
- Receive higher perspectives
- Gain clarity on your next steps and who you're becoming
Everything you need to start manifesting holistic abundance in your life.
Register here: The Abundance Portal
2: Reclaim
Reclaim is a 9 week initiation to help you claim your worth and embody your magnetic queen frequency.
It's for spiritually gifted women who are ready to take their power back and step into their next level of leadership and abundance.
The registration page (which is linked below) has more information, testimonials and summaries of the amazing results Reclaim students got!
Register here: RECLAIM