The Profound Gifts of Shark Medicine
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Hello Beautiful Soul,
We are diving into the ancient wisdom of Shark Medicine.
If you have been fearful of sharks and/or dream about them, I think you will enjoy this.
You see, my whole life I had a fear of sharks.
Although, I might credit some of that to the movies JAWS.
But this was a big fear. I thought sharks were going to get me in the deep end of my Nannie's pool, in the bathtub, and any body of water lol.
I would not go in the ocean, unless I could see deep around me, for so many years.
Oftentimes, I would dream about sharks swimming around me in deep water with fear or confusion.
I never understood the shark medicine that was truly presenting until this summer.
My husband and I went to visit both our parents in South Carolina.
How convenient, strange and synchronistic that they both relocated to this area in the same year. They are only a 20 min drive from each other.
My step-father Michael is a fisherman and we went to the beach everyday.
This one particular morning the sun was so luminous, the waves had a beautiful cleansing energy and the sound of it all was nourishing my soul. I was closing my eyes and feeling the warmth and salty air glistening on my skin and then my Stepfather said, “I got something really big on the line.”
I knew it was a shark instantly. He reeled it in and then let it go.
For 45 years of my life, I have been fearing these creatures and my stepfather had a different feeling about them.
Needless to say, for the rest of our vacation, I saw a shark almost everyday. They were so close to me, even when I was in water that was knee high.
So of course this peaked my interest about why I'm seeing sharks.
At the time this was happening, my husband was going through a rough patch. He lost his job and we were trusting what that meant for us.
In my daily meditation, a particular shark started appearing.
I started engaging with it daily to see what messages it had to teach me. By the way, animals constantly come to me in meditations as guides. So this wasn’t unusual. I knew it was significant.
So I let the process guide me. I would visualize myself swimming and see the shark's mammoth body approaching. It was a male energy.
We would lock eyes. I would put my hands on his face and rest knowing that I was okay. I was actually more than okay. I was safe, protected and provided for.
This enormous sharp-toothed creature was so misunderstood. He wasn’t here to devour me and harm me. He was here to show me I am strong and I have nothing to fear and blessings are on my way.
You see, water is an element that represents emotion: “energy in motion.”
When we dream or meditate on the depths of the ocean, we have the opportunity to look at what scares us and frightens us the most.
Sharks are guides into the deepest terrifying fears that keep you stuck.
They are a spirit guide and totem that can be used to take an honest look at yourself.
This powerful creature comes into your life to open your eyes and mind to opportunities that exist around you.
As I gazed into the eyes of the shark during my meditation, the shark telepathically communicated with me — “What are you scared of?”
I said, “Failing, drowning, being attacked and not good enough.”
I think we can all relate to feeling like this at certain points in our life.
He invited me to float for awhile, cultivate trust and close my eyes in the deep water.
I didn't know what was happening around me, or if other fish or creatures might swim up to me. Or if this shark would attack me. I was called to let all my defenses and safe protecting guards down.
I took a breath and stated out loud, “I let go.”
I closed my eyes and eased into the depth of my beingness. In this moment, I realized I have lacked the courage to access a new level of depth that was presenting.
So I mustered up the courage and said, “SHOW ME”!
What was shown to me as I eased into it was gold, rubies, diamonds, emeralds gems.
A great big treasure chest.
This was the richness and the beauty behind all the fear that my busy mind and fearful thoughts weren't allowing me to access and engage with.
You see, we all have treasures buried deep inside of us and it takes courage to come face to face with our fears, so we can access them.
Life has a way of putting us in situations, as an invitation to look at what you truly fear.
Like my husband losing his job allowed us to tap into fears we didn’t realize were there until this happened.
The shark is a metaphor for being terrified of our own power and treasures.
By embracing the shark, you can swim freely and explore the depths of your being.
Staying scared will keep you from diving in and experiencing the treasures within.
I know that this may sound weird, but trust me. If you knew how powerful you were, you might be terrified by all the changes you would have to make to create a life that is aligned with your soul.
We have to courageously face our deepest truths to live in alignment.
This can be really hard. Taking an honest look with how we feel and what we fear.
Most of the time this has to do with us having the courage to leave relationships, jobs, start something new or move to a new location.
Remember, the truth will set you free.
So if something is weighing heavy on you, courageously embrace it and speak up.
The brilliance encoded for you today is NEVER GIVE UP.
Do not be scared of failure, rejection or being attacked by others.
You’re a superstar, a brilliant being with the capacity to love and soar to levels that may seem unimaginable.
In addition to the "5 senses” we’re all used to, sharks can also perceive pressure changes and sense electromagnetic fields.
Sharks sense energy. And it's helped keep them alive for hundreds of millions of years.
This is why sharks have a deep connection with intuition and courageously venturing into the unknown. They invite us to use our non-physical senses to face our fears and find our hidden treasure.
Let’s do a practice to create a vibrational shift!
Bring your awareness to your pelvic bowl.
This area houses the energy of water and your sacral chakra (shown below).
It is also linked to the color orange and the sacred geometric shape icosahedron (shown in the heart of the person in the image below).
Breathe in the color orange and give permission for yourself to let go of any tension, anger, sadness or any other emotions that may be presenting for you at this time.
Now hold that lower belly and continue to breathe in through the nose and out the mouth the audible sound of AHHH.
There is something magical that awaits you.
Keep breathing. Close your eyes for 3-5 deep breaths and allow that to take you deeper into the body.
You may feel emotional, that's okay.
Now close your eyes and ask to see a treasure that is held within you.
Use your powerful imagination here! Playing with the imagination is key in vibrational transformation.
Visualize the treasure and tune into it. Feel free to right any insights down.
What does it look like?
What does it represent?
How does it make you feel?
Now, here's journaling practice to go even deeper with the medicine of the shark.
Create some space for yourself, with a journal, and write down your intuitive responses to these questions. Allow your body to relax, let your mind unwind and just let the words flow.
What do I need to release to fully have access to this glorious treasure?
What is the significance of this treasure?
How will it change me and my life?
Trust the answers that come through. Remember, these exercises are here to help you explore more of you and shift your energy.
After completion, place your hands over your lower belly and thank your body for delivering beautiful wisdom.
You see, you are cultivating a deeper relationship with yourself right now by doing this practice.
Make it a daily habit to hold that lower belly and tell it how much you love it and honor its wisdom.
Your lower belly holds immense power. It is your creation center.
It helps you birth next level creations into the world.
If you’re interested in support with the birth of your offerings and navigating your spiritual gifts, consider working with me.
I have recently just updated my “Nicole Mantilla” website, which I linked to below. Explore it.
I also invite you to check out the story on my About page and learn more about how I got to where I am today.
Warm Blessings & Love,