The Healing Power of Rose Otto Essential Oil

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Essential oils are powerful healers and allies in raising the body’s energetic vibration.

Not only do they work on healing the physical body, they are masterful in assisting with matters of the heart — emotional and spiritual healing.

Being the true essence of plants, essential oils are some of the highest vibrational medicine on Earth.

As the oils work on a cellular level to raise your physical body’s vibration, it creates space for emotions that have been suppressed and repressed to come to the surface.

Your body is always rooting for you and trying to create an environment of balance.

As soon as you start working with the pharmacy of the Earth (aka essential oils) you’re going to speed up the process of inner and outer harmony.

The oils not only address emotions like low self-worth, lack, judgment, anger, etc. They also tend to your deeply rooted framework of belief systems.

If you’re done with self sabotaging patterns and want to break the cycle of the same story being repeated over and over in your life and ancestral lineage, I invite you to add essential oils to your lifestyle.

True healing and feeling good holistically requires us to release trapped emotions .

These powerful gifts of our Earth assist us in taking an honest look within.

Today, I want to share with you how the oils found me.

They come into your life in the most magical ways to spark a deeper remembrance of your power, connection to the Earth and higher realms.

Essential oils are non-negotiables in my life now. I use them as skincare, in my diffuser, for energy clearing room sprays, and more.

I attribute so much of my health, wealth, energy work, focus and creativity to the power of essential oils. I couldn't imagine my life without oils.

The synergy of the blends with my daily sound healing practices transformed me at an accelerated rate.

Ready for some activating story time?


I never really understood the power of essential oils until they came into my life as a saving grace.

They found me.

One of my first magical encounters was with Rose Otto oil.

Rose Otto oil is the ultimate healer of the heart. She holds a higher vibration than any other oil on this planet.

This heart opening oil entered my life during a time of despair and deep rooted insecurities.

I was going through a difficult time forgiving others who have betrayed me, relationship issues and parenting children that were working through their own issues from the repercussions of divorce.

I wasn’t even aware how much grief, shame and sadness I was holding onto until I started using Rose Otto in all my daily spiritual and self care routines.

This life enriching oil held expansive sacred space for me to travel into deep uncharted territory that I wasn’t able to see and acknowledge previously.

Just purchasing her was a deeper look into how I view money and deeper beliefs associated with lack.

I remember looking online at the price of Rose Otto when I was first called to purchase it… $190 US dollars for a 5 ml vial.

Oh boy did the narratives of lack (that I didn’t realize were present) start flooding in.

Why would you invest money like this on just an essential oil?
Are you crazy?
Do you really need this?

I kept it in my shopping cart for several days.

Night after night, I kept dreaming of the rose and feeling the presence of Mother Mary all around me. I knew I needed to buy it and trust.

As I went back to the shopping cart, Spirit whispered to me, “Now you’re going to add Neroli, Jasmine, Frankincense Boswellia Carterii, Boswellia Sacra and Lavender to the cart."

Oh my goodness. I looked at the prices of Jasmine and Neroli. They were just as expensive as the Rose Otto!

My heart started racing. I was realizing that I didn’t feel “responsible” if I was to spend all this money on essential oils.

I thought they were just going to go in my diffuser, so spending hundreds of dollars was crazy.

I stepped away again and meditated on it.

I then got this message: “Ok you need to get this and a bunch of carrier oils, you are going to start blending and making skin oils.”

This was insane to me. I had friends that were aromatherapists and I always just purchased their homemade skin and angel spray blends.

“How could I do this? Why am I being called to do this?”

I let go of all the fear and made a big investment in oils, carrier oils, funnels, beakers, pipettes, glass bottles — all the stuff I would need to start mixing and embrace this journey that was presenting itself.

It was similar to how sound healing and singing bowls found me. I knew I had to trust this.

Every time a significant gift opens in my life, I have to use it to heal myself, and work with it to deeply embody and understand it.

So here we are. The oils arrived and I was so excited. A part of me was beaming, ecstatic and blissed out.

I did not realize how important this was until I unraveled them out of the wrappings and smelled them one by one.

These oils had spirits and personality. They required a sacred space.

It was wild. I was feeling and bonding with them in a new profound way. They each wanted to be seen and heard, but ROSE was putting herself front and center.

I was called to rearrange my furniture and give my home a massive energy clearing before I could even begin the blending process.

It was like the royals had arrived and I was bowing at their divine grace.

I was also called to buy more fresh plants and have roses in my office and at the dining room table on the regular.

Something was happening within me and my environment. I was following the guidance and light of these magical allies.


Let’s talk a little more about Rose otto, since she was the master healer and divine conductor who directed the magical symphony of blends.

Our love affair opened up a whole new world within and around me.

She showed me my divine reflection and all that I was worthy of.

This is what I've come to learn and embody since working with rose.

Rose is intelligent and sacred.
She is intimate, soft and sensual.
Highly nourishing , yet courageous, (she does not mess around).
She goes straight to the source of pain.
Highlighting where you have betrayed yourself and have turned your back on yourself.
She will soothe you and hold you accountable to all you desire.
Once she shows you your true nature, you will know your worth and no longer settle for ordinary.

Unifying with the magic of Rose, you become extraordinary.
You can not run from the intimacy that she calls forth.
If you’re in relationships with those who do not honor you, it will come to the forefront as she will provide you with the wisdom and the courage to speak your truth.

Rose is healing.
Rose is replenishing.

I now realize my work with rose was initiating me to hold space like this for my clients.

I now embody rose medicine and her qualities.

I want to mention that this did not happen overnight.

I had to work deeply with her for years. There were so many layers of healing and learning.


Now here’s a practice for you to tap into the power of Rose Otto for healing and transformation of the heart.

Invite Rose Otto to eliminate any heartbreak and heaviness, as well as open you up to deeper levels of love.

If you have Rose Otto oil please dilute it in a carrier oil and apply to your jugular notch.

Note: The jugular notch is the space located between your collarbones. It is a little nook where your neck meets your chest.

Use your right index and middle finger and rub it into that area. Then hold those two fingers there for 1-3 minutes. Breathe deeply in through the nose and out the mouth. Then cup your hands over your nose and take three deep nourishing breaths

If you do not have this oil, you may still do the practice and visualize the rose flower in your heart and jugular notch.

Invite Rose Otto to eliminate any heartbreak and heaviness.

May you open up to deeper levels of love.

You can do this practice daily with Rose Otto oil.

This is just a glimpse into one of the benefits of rose.


Now, here’s journaling practice to draw out more wisdom and healing with the spirit of the rose.

Create some space for yourself, with a journal, and write down your intuitive responses to these questions. Allow your body to relax, let your mind unwind and simply let the words flow.

Rose Journaling Questions:

Where do I not honor my truth?

Where do I not commit to myself?

Where do I still hold myself to the past?

How can I let go?

Have I rejected myself? If so, how?

What will it take for me to heal my relationship with myself?


This is another interesting way essential oils entered my life…

My mentor, Tiffany Carole, has her own essential oil company, called Monara.

That’s my go-to recommendation for essential oils, both in terms of quality and affordability.

Monara has a beautiful Rose blend. It’s not Rose Otto, but a more affordable version of rose essential oil. The difference is the way it's extracted.

Here’s the exact name of it on Monara: ROSE OIL PURE 10% IN JOJOBA 5 ML

What’s great is that it’s already a blend, so you can put it directly on your skin.

Here’s the website: MONARA.ORG

You can use my custom code here to get free shipping: NicoleFreeShipping

Feel free to shop around and buy whatever oils resonate with you as well. Trust your intuition!

Love & Blessings,
Nicole Mantilla

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