Dear Next Level Creators

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Hello beautiful soul,
So much of the work I do is to help next level beings embody their genius, claim their abundance and lead in their spiritual gifts.
Now here’s a question. What type of people do you think that resonates with?
Here’s what is becoming more and more clear.
The people that are positioned to benefit the most from this work are:
- Professionals (of all kinds)
- Entrepreneurs
- Business owners
- Established healers
- Spiritually gifted individuals ready to lead in their gifts.
I’m talking about high achievers. People who are devoted and passionate about their service work, profession, business or career. They are innovative and passionate about building a new framework for humanity.
They intuitively know that by owning their spiritual gifts, they will quantum leap to a higher level. That might be business growth, a new direction, a new career, more money, better relationships, deeper intimacy, freedom, higher level professional connections, etc.
There’s an inner knowing that deep spiritual, energetic work will bring holistic abundance to their life and allow them to access higher level ideas.
They know they’re here to be a new paradigm leader. That’s why they gravitate towards my work and vibrational medicine.
The leaders of the new age will be attuned to a higher power. Can you feel this happening?
They have to be streaming higher levels of intelligence and feel the support from beyond.
This anchors deeper levels of trust, surrender and faith as they embark on a journey into the unknown.
These individuals (the professionals, entrepreneurs and high achievers) are READY. They have skill sets and expertise that are a solid foundation to build off of. Their skills are roots that anchor in higher intelligence and allow them to commit and take aligned action.
If you are not rooted and grounded in your body your connection to a higher power can become distorted — leading you to procrastinate and not take proper aligned action, due to lack of clarity, fear and overwhelm.
Next level creators need support in staying rooted in their body and trusting the emergence of the divine intelligence streaming forth.
It is now my greatest gift to assist them in:
- Creating from a new level of genius and trusting it!
- Frequency activations to activate new gifts.
- Transmuting ancestral, karmic and self sabotaging patterns.
- Support in identifying and helping them refine and use their gifts responsibly.
- Support with all the fears, insecurities and self worth issues that rise when they have to lead from a unique vulnerable space.
- Deep work around money and navigating the unknown.
- Claiming their worth and staying soulfully aligned to their truth
- Creating and leading from a rooted space of power.
Here are some fun examples of what results can look like doing this kind of work.
1) Robert The Restaurant Owner
Robert owns a few restaurants in a nice town. He’s always used his intuition and ability to read people to propel his success in business.
He’s satisfied with the money he has now, but he wants to lean into his spiritual abilities more and use them to make his restaurants unforgettable experiences for people.
He notices that the energy is stagnant, his employees look exhausted and there is a high turnover rate.
Robert immerses himself in vibrational medicine, energy clearings, frequency upgrades and guided meditations and mentorship to unlock his inner creative genius.
After this program, he notices that his intuition is stronger and he is more sensitive to energy.
He realizes that he needs to change the way he is running his business.
He decides that he wants to have crystal grids set up and do routine energy clearings in the building to keep the space high vibe.
He also wants to hold staff meetings with group meditation and inspiring talks to keep people motivated and minimize overwhelm and stress during the busy season.
After learning about the power of intention and blessing water he wants to make sure all the food is blessed and created with love.
He will have to come up with new training manuals for this process and only hire aligned employees.
He feels his ancestors reminding him that Italian food should be made with love!
He decides to revamp the whole vibe, music and color scheme of the restaurant.
Even the menus and font need an upgrade. He wants to use descriptive engaging words to describe the dishes, and make the menu a luxurious reading experience.
He is flooded with new innovative ideas to create an enriching experience for the employees and customers.
2) Liz The Lawyer
Liz the lawyer has been intuitive her whole life, and energetically sensitive.
She often takes on the weight of the world and battles anxiety.
After a few years in the courtroom, she noticed that sometimes she would just intuitively know things. And when she acted on them, she was right. This helped her win a bunch of cases that seemed near impossible to win.
When Liz fully accepted what was happening, she became more curious. This led her to working more on her spiritual gifts. She wanted to use them for good in the courtroom, not only for herself, but to help her clients in the best way possible.
By working on her spiritual gifts and energetic hygiene, she gained greater awareness and realized how stressed and anxious her clients were. She also realized she was taking on some of their energy instead of transmuting it.
She had to hold better energetic boundaries and learn how to hold powerful space to cut through lies and manipulation.
She started to do meditations, routine energy clearings, breathwork and set powerful intentions on how she could serve her clients in the most profound way.
Her new mantra was, “I am a generator of light, I set the vibrational tone in my meetings, I am grounded in my power and I have brilliant solutions for my clients.”
As she became masterful in managing her boundaries and energy, she became a force with a powerful presence.
Her ability to be laser focused and serve from a higher level of genius amplified.
She attracted soulmate clients who were a pleasure to work with.
Her clients' lives were changed. They were blown away by her ability to represent their needs.
She no longer struggles with difficult clients and energy drains from the courtroom.
Experience It Yourself
If you want to activate your spiritual gifts and experience more holistic abundance in your life, here are two offers for you:
1: The Abundance Portal
The Abundance Portal is a free offering, based on a workshop I did!
It's a series of 5 activations to help you:
- Transcend beliefs rooted in lack
- Receive higher perspectives
- Gain clarity on your next steps and who you're becoming
Everything you need to start manifesting holistic abundance in your life.
Register here: The Abundance Portal
2: Reclaim
Reclaim is a 9 week initiation to help you claim your worth and embody your magnetic queen frequency.
It's for spiritually gifted women who are ready to take their power back and step into their next level of leadership and abundance.
The registration page (which is linked below) has more information, testimonials and summaries of the amazing results Reclaim students got!
Register here: RECLAIM