Are You a Lighthouse or Tugboat?

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Hello Beautiful Soul,
Are you feeling raw, vulnerable, confused, uncertain and overwhelmed?
Do you feel yourself transforming, but have no clue who you’re becoming and where life is moving you?
Where you may be guided is much different than what you had perhaps mapped out for yourself.
Your desires, needs and relationships are changing!
There is an overhaul happening in our relationship with self, life and others.
If you’re a highly empathic soul, you’re probably feeling it in your belly and chest.
With the intensity of the emotional eruptions, many will feel bloated in the belly and have heart and thymus flutters.
You’re literally birthing a new life.
The discomfort in the body is calling you to look deeper at where you don’t feel safe and have betrayed yourself and perhaps others.
We are seeing all the ways that our relationships are serving and depleting us.
It can be really hard when you are being asked to let go and trust the DIVINE in this department.
Living in a state of fear, and at times, paralyzing grief, sadness, anxiety and frustration will only keep you stuck.
I am personally learning where to let go of vampiric behavior in my closest relationships.
I have allowed my ex-husband and son’s behavior to have more power over me than I would like.
I know I am revealing some personal stuff, but it feels cathartic typing this.
I hope this helps any of you dealing with family members or ex-spouses that are challenging you and siphoning your life force.
You see, I was hyper focused on always doing the right thing, being the better person and seeing the good in all. But sometimes relationships require you to cut a cord and remove yourself, so the individuals can learn the lessons they are meant to.
Have you ever dealt with a really difficult relationship and you tried to overgive and over nurture to shift a situation — hoping that all the love you were showering on someone would help them heal, shift and become stronger?
I have spent years doing this and I have now learned that sometimes the deepest form of love is to let go and let God!
Get out of the way and let people have their own EXPERIENCE.
If and when they are ready for you, let them know you will be ready for them with open arms.
Your times of playing a martyr and a savior role are being halted!
This can be really painful and challenging as an EMPATH.
You feel helpless, as if you’re watching a car crash.
These souls are not wanting what you have to offer.
You will know this because you repeatedly try to help and it’s the same story that perpetually gets worse when you try to assist.
Their soul needs the lesson to self destruct in order to rebuild.
I have had this happen in my own personal life as well.
So I should know by now to back off and let people have their experience.
I remember the opinions of others when I wanted to leave my first husband, how I was parenting, and around my job as a microbiologist.
People loved telling me all the things I should do and not do.
Guess what? I was stubborn. I had to learn things by self-destructing and building a whole new life from nothing.
I know this was a really hard way to do things, but I now see in reflection the experiences have helped me embody a whole new level of richness, trust and faith in the unknown.
Let this newsletter be a reminder that you don’t have to suffer in these types of relationship dynamics.
Your desire to support and do damage control to a situation is what might be hindering your personal growth and the person’s growth.
There are spiritual lessons here for both of you.
If the ones you love don’t want your assistance, LET GO!
If they are manipulating you, LET GO!
You need all of your life force energy to create and live harmoniously in these current energies.
This is why it feels like SHIT is hitting the fan in our life.
Our bodies are returning to their highest levels of light and all the obstructions and ailments are surfacing to be cleared.
All the ways you drain your life force need to be addressed so you can live in true abundance.
You can not overlook where you need to make changes.
Don’t let others dictate how you live, lead and relate in this reality.
You’re meant for great things.
Please have faith and believe that what you’re being challenged with at this time is meant to strengthen you.
Nicole xox
2 Ways I Can Help You
If you want to activate your spiritual gifts and experience more holistic abundance in your life, here are two offers for you:
1: The Abundance Portal
The Abundance Portal is a free offering, based on a workshop I did!
It's a series of 5 activations to help you:
- Transcend beliefs rooted in lack
- Receive higher perspectives
- Gain clarity on your next steps and who you're becoming
Everything you need to start manifesting holistic abundance in your life.
Register here: The Abundance Portal
2: Reclaim
Reclaim is a 9 week initiation to help you claim your worth and embody your magnetic queen frequency.
It's for spiritually gifted women who are ready to take their power back and step into their next level of leadership and abundance.
The registration page (which is linked below) has more information, testimonials and summaries of the amazing results Reclaim students got!
Register here: RECLAIM