Bee Spirit Message

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Hello Beloveds,

This morning I pulled a card for all of us.

Here it is..

The Blessing Of Questioning:

Examine and identify any belief that stems from an irrational fear.
Ask yourself, “Do I still need this?”
If the answer is no, then replace it with a trusting, more loving belief.
Blessings flow to you as soon as you do this. Set yourself free.

Take a couple deep breaths with this message and allow your body to relax.

Let the muscles unwind from holding patterns and beliefs that no longer serve you.

Perhaps you journal, write these beliefs and fears out, and have a ritual of letting go.

You have the power to unlock yourself from the chains and holding patterns that are keeping you stuck!


Now let’s go deeper into today’s message with some sweet nectar medicine from the bees.

You see, we have the power to connect to and receive from the spirit of animals, insects, water, microbes, trees, plants, minerals, crystals and all that Gaia has to offer.

As we attune and connect consciously to the essence of all living beings on this Earth, we enrich our lives and learn how to co-create with the terrain around us.

This connection and co-creation is what births true wealth and abundance.

Today the Honey Bees bring a message:

Sweet incarnates of Earth.
Let your fear, worry and judgment go.
You have incarnated on Earth at this time to birth massive change.

You could consider GAIA as pregnant right now.
She is opening up her womb to a whole new level of being.

You may be feeling this change deep in your bones.

This can create turbulence in your life because you are unsure of where life is moving you and what your future holds.

Rest in the knowing that you are provided for. The sweetness of life comes from all the lessons and blessings you have accumulated from perceived hardships and challenges.

The climb to the top is always richer when you allow yourself to rest and take sacred pauses to catch your breath and enjoy the scenery along the way.

This is not the time to push yourself, force and create from deprivation and lack.

This is the time to nurture yourself and return to the simplicity and divine roots of life.

When you get out of your head and into the body, you give yourself the opportunity to receive more clarity and direction.

This allows you to be even more present with nature and its miraculous teachings.


We invite you to co-create with others and develop deeper connections at this time.

We the — honey bees — represent the medicine of true health, abundance and TEAMWORK.

Our purpose is to show you that true nectar and richness come from you loving yourself and working harmoniously with others and the environment around you.


This is a new wave, a new paradigm for humanity.

Are you ready to create from overflow and nourishment? To stop putting pressure on yourself and procrastinating?

May you have the courage to:

  • Listen
  • Let go
  • Journey inward
  • Build a new foundation and structures to flow in
  • Co-create with others (don’t hesitate to reach out to people who you would like to work with or connect deeper with)

You are blossoming into the most beautiful version of you.


May this message serve you today.

Please share and forward with anyone you think this would benefit.

May the love for yourself and others amplify.

May you feel inspired to connect and receive more from nature and your surroundings.

2 Ways To Go Deeper

If you want to activate your spiritual gifts and experience more holistic abundance in your life, here are two offers for you:

1: The Abundance Portal

The Abundance Portal is a free offering, based on a workshop I did!

It's a series of 5 activations to help you:

  • Transcend beliefs rooted in lack
  • Receive higher perspectives
  • Gain clarity on your next steps and who you're becoming

Everything you need to start manifesting holistic abundance in your life.

Register here: The Abundance Portal

2: Mentorship

Join the waitlist to work with me 1:1.

If you are a good fit, we will have a conversation about a custom package for you and get you on the waitlist for February.

Note: I recently updated the page describing my mentorship programs. Check out the new page via the button below.

Learn more and apply here: MENTORSHIP