2 Key Essential Oils for Spiritual Growth

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Hello beautiful soul,

Essential oils have been huge allies on my path of healing and evolution.

They're truly ascension essentials!

Essential oils have been the vibrational medicine that is my saving grace during times of big change, especially when I am in the “in-between phase.”

Some may call it the void, but I look at it as a waiting room that is molding me, preparing me and initiating me into my next level.

In this space, I surrender and allow the deconstruction and reconfiguration phases to take place.

This is when tree oils are a must for me.

Today, I'll tell you about the tree oils Atlas Cedarwood and Black Spruce.

These two oils have been making their grand presence known in my life and now for my clients.

At a time where we are being called to stabilize our energy, power up and build solid foundations, these two are singing to be heard and explored.

They are asking to be showcased. They would like their messages heard.

If you have these oils available, I invite you to breathe them in.


Let go of your worries, you are enough!
You are equipped with everything you need to succeed.
Place me on the soles of your feet and over your heart!
Breathe me in. Allow me to penetrate the walls of shame, guilt and not enoughness.
Let me disentangle you from the spaces that you deny yourself pleasure.
Are you ready to see your strength, rawness and vulnerability?
Are you ready to let life breathe deeply into the spaces that are dry and malnourished?

I am a wisdom keeper of sensual and sexual pleasure. I can open you to more richness and depth. Do you want to go deeper? Do you want to shed all that is not of your divine sensual nature?

Play with me, dance with me, walk with me and breathe me in.

I will guide you!


Stand up tall. Do not lower your standards and hide your greatness to appease others.
Rise up to the occasion.
I will strengthen and lengthen you.
You will move from a disempowered to an empowered state.
I do best when you work with me along your spine.
Specifically the sacrum.
Spiral me up along your spine and we will grow together.
The fear will dissipate as you come into your power and inner authority.
I will assist you in remembering the ancient wisdom housed within.
You will feel the power of your ancestors as we tend to your spine.

My medicine is direct and to the point.
I am here to help you stand strong in your unique wisdom.
You can call upon me for strength and length.
I will help you grow to new heights.

Together, we will break disempowering cycles.


The oils are great teachers. Potent vibrational medicine.

The oils want to be woven in different modalities to accelerate healing processes.

In combination with tuning forks, massage, acupuncture, acupressure, yoga, vocally toning, chiropractic treatments and so much more, we can make a big difference in our world.

The plant spirits are singing and they want to be heard and used for the greatest good on our planet.

They offer much more to humanity than most people are consciously aware of.

If you’re interested in learning more about oils and working with them, please let me know. I’m considering doing some live workshops around different oils.

There's so much magic in bonding with the essence of these plants, trees and flowers and learning how to receive messages from these allies.

It has truly changed my life. I don’t go a day without working with a handful of oils!

Big Love,

2 Ways To Go Deeper

If you want to activate your spiritual gifts and experience more holistic abundance in your life, here are two offers for you:

1: The Abundance Portal

The Abundance Portal is a free offering, based on a workshop I did!

It's a series of 5 activations to help you:

  • Transcend beliefs rooted in lack
  • Receive higher perspectives
  • Gain clarity on your next steps and who you're becoming

Everything you need to start manifesting holistic abundance in your life.

Register here: The Abundance Portal

2: Mentorship

I am booked for 1:1 mentorship/coaching until February 2024.

There is a waitlist for new clients.

If you have been thinking of working together 1:1, I still recommend you apply now.

If you are a good fit, we will have a conversation about a custom package for you and get you on the waitlist for February.

Note: I recently updated the page describing my mentorship programs. Check out the new page via the button below.

Learn more and apply here: MENTORSHIP